Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Take Action Immediately By Developing A Sense Of Urgency

Stop thinking about it and just do it!

Many of us spend way too much time in "create mode" when we should be taking action towards getting our desired results.  Being creative and brainstorming is all good but, are we delaying taking action because of fear?

It's important to maintain a mindset that is focused on taking action because it is action that produces results.  I was inspired to write about this subject because I personally have some juicy projects in the works that I am truly excited about!  The brainstorming, research and documentation is part of the process.  But it's time to get busy!  So, several days ago when I received an email message titled "5 Ways To Develop A Sense Of Urgency" from Brian Tracy it really caught my attention and kicked my butt immediately into take action mode.

When we have an idea, in order to prevent procrastination, it's imperative that we put our ideas into action.  Make it a habit to write things down and create task lists.  However, don't overwhelm yourself with the entire list of things to do.  Instead select one major task and get started immediately.  Move fast and don't hesitate.  Just get it done!  And then, tomorrow morning, do the same thing again, first thing.  Eventually this will become a habit for you.

Take action steps consistently, everyday!

The following is an excerpt from Brian Tracy to help you: 

5 Ways to Develop A Sense of Urgency
By: Brian Tracy

Perhaps the most outwardly identifiable quality of a high performing man or woman is "action orientation."

1. Take Time to Think and Plan

Highly productive people take the time to think, plan and set priorities. They then launch quickly and strongly toward their goals and objectives. They work steadily, smoothly and continuously and seem to go through enormous amounts of work in the same time period that the average person spends socializing, wasting time and working on low value activities.

2. Getting into "Flow"
When you work on high value tasks at a high and continuous level of activity, you can actually enter into an amazing mental state called "flow." Almost everyone has experienced this at some time. Really successful people are those who get themselves into this state far more often than the average.

In the state of "flow," which is the highest human state of performance and productivity, something almost miraculous happens to your mind and emotions. You feel elated and clear. Everything you do seems effortless and accurate. You feel happy and energetic. You experience a tremendous sense of calm and personal effectiveness.

3. Become More Alert and Aware
In the state of "flow," identified and talked about over the centuries, you actually function on a higher plane of clarity, creativity and competence. You are more sensitive and aware. Your insight and intuition functions with incredible precision. You see the interconnectedness of people and circumstances around you. You often come up with brilliant ideas and insights that enable you to move ahead even more rapidly.

4. Develop a Sense of Urgency
One of the ways you can trigger this state of flow is by developing a "sense of urgency." This is an inner drive and desire to get on with the job quickly and get it done fast. This inner drive is an impatience that motivates you to get going and to keep going. A sense of urgency feels very much like racing against yourself.
5. Create a "Bias for Action"
With this ingrained sense of urgency, you develop a "bias for action." You take action rather than talking continually about what you are going to do. You focus on specific steps you can take immediately. By employing this technique you concentrate on the things you can do right now to get the results you want and achieve the goals you desire.
It truly is about creating a sense of urgency.  Well, I believe these are steps that I can implement into action....immediately.  

What about you?

To Your Amazing Life,


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Miracle of Motivation

Path to Success!
Today I woke up with a burst of energy after a restful night.  My creative juices have been working overtime for the past couple months.  I’ve been feeling inspired and motivated to create more, do more, be more!  

I encourage you to be inspired as you read the following excerpt from the book “Think and Grow Rich A Black Choice” by Dennis Kimbro and Napoleon Hill - - - - 

The Miracle of Motivation

The word “motive” is defined as “that within the individual that incites him or her to act”.  It is the inner urge that produces specific results that can be learned and developed.  In order for motivation to be effective, driving you toward your desire, it must be internalized.  Until the incentive has been internalized and accepted, motivation has no real power.  

Every thought you think, every act you take, can be traced back to some definite motive or combination of motives.  No one ever does anything without having been motivated to do so.  You will need to develop a strong positive approach to self-motivation if you are to be successful in your quest for achievement.  There are nine basic motives to which everyone responds, and which influence practically every human thought or deed.  The nine motives are:

  • Love
  • Financial Gain
  • Self-Preservation
  • Sex
  • Power and Fame
  • Freedom
  • Creativity
  • Anger and Revenge
  • Fear

Within this framework you will find the roots of what you do or refrain from doing.  Though love and fear are poles apart, they remain the strongest of all our motives.  

Understanding that motivation comes from various channels depending on where you are in life, what day it is, and just whatever may be affecting you at the moment.

Well, so much has transpired in the last couple years in my life that has caused me to be go up and down on the motivation scale.  I have to constantly stay focused and ask myself…”Ok..Melissa, what’s your motivation for doing this?”

It really just depends…but the main thing is to always stay motivated!  

To Your Amazing Life,

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lack of Persistence is one of the Major Causes of Failure

The next time you encounter failure, remember that every failure and adversity carries within it the seed of an equivalent benefit.  Begin to recognize that seed, and plant it through action.  You may discover that there is no such reality as failure until you accept it!

Definition of Failure:  "the act or instance of failing or proving unsuccessful; lack of success OR nonperformance of something due, required or expected OR a person or thing that proves unsuccessful".  

Explore the secret of persistence by uncovering the ten most prevalent causes of failure:

  1. Lack of a definite purpose, goal or chief aim.
  2. Lack of ambition to move past mediocrity.
  3. A negative mental attitude.
  4. Lack of self-discipline.
  5. Lack of vision and imagination sufficient to recognize favorable opportunities.
  6. The use of race, sex, or circumstances as a reason for inactivity.
  7. Lack of belief in the existence of infinite intelligence.
  8. Ill health.
  9. Lack of persistence in carrying through to finish that which you start; unwillingness to go the extra mile or render a service; the habit of running away from unpleasant circumstances instead of mastering them.
  10. The desire to get something for nothing.
    From birth to death life poses a constant challenge to those who master  failure with persistence, and it rewards with riches the men and women who successfully meet those challenges.  If you accept defeat as an inspiration to try again with renewed confidence and determination, the attainment of your success will be only be a matter of time.  If you accept defeat as a final blow and allow it to destroy your confidence, you might as well abandon any hope of success.  

    To Your Amazing Life,

    Sunday, March 13, 2011

    You Must Be Willing To Take A Chance In Order To Be Successful

    People have always referred to me as being a 'risk taker'.  And I've always taken that as a compliment!  In order to be successful, get whatever you want and wherever you want to be in life you must be willing to take risks.  You must have faith and be willing to do whatever it takes, even if it means taking a chance at failing in order to get closer to succeeding.

    There is a legend of a man who was lost in the desert, dying of thirst.  He dragged himself on until he came to an abandoned house.  Outside of the dilapidated, windowless, weather-beaten shack was a pump.  "Water, at last!" he thought.  He stumbled forward and began pumping furiously, but nothing came out of the well.  As his heart raced he noticed a small jug with a cork at the top and a note scribbled on the side:  "you have to prime the pump with water, my friend.  P.S.  And fill the jug again before you leave."  He pulled out the cork and saw that the jug was full of water.

    He weighed his options.  Should he pour the water down the pump?  What if it didn't work?  All of the water would be gone.  If he drank the water from the jug, he could be sure he wouldn't die of thirst.  But to pour it down the rusty pump on the flimsy instructions written on the outside of the jug?

    Sweating profusely, he listened to his heart and chose the risky decision.  He proceeded to pour the entire jug of water down the rusty old pump and furiously pumped up and down.  Sure enough, the water gushed out!  He had all he needed to drink.  With a thankful heart he turned his thoughts upward.  He filled the jug again, corked it, and added his own testimony to the words on the bottle:  Believe me, it really works.  BUT YOU MUST HAVE FAITH!

    The people who really succeed are those who dare to risk, who challenge the status quo and push themselves beyond their normal limits.  No person ever fully discovers and develops all the potential within himself until he expresses his faith.

    Most people fail to live their dreams, accomplish their goals or be their true authentic selves because they have a fear of taking chances.  But some people have faith and take the risks necessary to get what they truly want out of life.

    So, which group do you fall in?  Are you taking risks in order to get closer towards accomplishing your goals?

    To Your Amazing Life,