Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Miracle of Motivation

Path to Success!
Today I woke up with a burst of energy after a restful night.  My creative juices have been working overtime for the past couple months.  I’ve been feeling inspired and motivated to create more, do more, be more!  

I encourage you to be inspired as you read the following excerpt from the book “Think and Grow Rich A Black Choice” by Dennis Kimbro and Napoleon Hill - - - - 

The Miracle of Motivation

The word “motive” is defined as “that within the individual that incites him or her to act”.  It is the inner urge that produces specific results that can be learned and developed.  In order for motivation to be effective, driving you toward your desire, it must be internalized.  Until the incentive has been internalized and accepted, motivation has no real power.  

Every thought you think, every act you take, can be traced back to some definite motive or combination of motives.  No one ever does anything without having been motivated to do so.  You will need to develop a strong positive approach to self-motivation if you are to be successful in your quest for achievement.  There are nine basic motives to which everyone responds, and which influence practically every human thought or deed.  The nine motives are:

  • Love
  • Financial Gain
  • Self-Preservation
  • Sex
  • Power and Fame
  • Freedom
  • Creativity
  • Anger and Revenge
  • Fear

Within this framework you will find the roots of what you do or refrain from doing.  Though love and fear are poles apart, they remain the strongest of all our motives.  

Understanding that motivation comes from various channels depending on where you are in life, what day it is, and just whatever may be affecting you at the moment.

Well, so much has transpired in the last couple years in my life that has caused me to be go up and down on the motivation scale.  I have to constantly stay focused and ask myself…”Ok..Melissa, what’s your motivation for doing this?”

It really just depends…but the main thing is to always stay motivated!  

To Your Amazing Life,


  1. Thanks for your comment!! “Think and Grow Rich A Black Choice” by Dennis Kimbro and Napoleon Hill is a great book full of very profound and wise words ;-)

